Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker


Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Today my son brought me a few of his toys to get nursies. He brought me a black bear puppet, lifted up my shirt, and put it to my boob! I pretended to nurse the bear, figured bears get nursies in the wild so why not pretend? But then he brought me this lego car (he has a bunch of those giant legos) and INSISTED that I nurse the car! I started to, then thought, this is crazy!! So I told him that cars can't get nursies because they don't have mouths. He was very persistant but eventually gave up. Then a few minutes later, he repeated the whole procedure with this little snack cup we put crackers in for the road. I had to tell him all over again about the no mouth thing. Anyway I found the whole thing highly amusing!

We regularly go through the "cats get nursies, dogs get nursies, whales get nursies, elephants get nursies, cows get nursies... birds don't get nursies..." I suppose now I need to add "cars don't get nursies, containers don't get nursies... " etc.


Jessica said...

LOL. Thats too cute. Liam hasnt tried anything like that yet, but I'm sure his time is coming!

~Laura~ said...

That's hilarious! He must really like his lego car, to be willing to share nursies with it! Can't wait to see him this summer, and you guys too of course!